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Sinus Headaches
Dec 9th
For Sinus Headaches, use chamomile vapor bath. Put towel over head, breathe in steam from water mixed with chamomile oil. This will loosen the sinuses.
Massage end of eyebrows.
Use friction between hairline and eyebrow.
Massage HOKU point.
Russian Horseradish will drain sinuses and make you sweat. Put a small slice on tongue.
* Information excerpted from Calgary College of Holistic Health Swedish Massage Course
Tension Headaches/Muscular Headaches
Dec 9th
Tension headaches are caused by not enough blood going to the head. The forehead will feel cold. Put a heat pack on the neck. Massage brings blood to the head, which relieves the headache. 85% of all headaches are Tension headaches. Tension headache can be helped as follows:
Have client lean head into your stomach with you standing, the client seated. Pull from the back of client’s neck up to the occipital ridge. This can also be done with the client lying on a massage table, or the floor. Pull clients head towards you by the occipital ridge. Move your fingers from center of ridge, pull, move fingers over towards outside of occipital ridge, continue to move fingers and pull head for several minutes.
Massage HOKU point (between thumb and index finger) as well. (DO NOT MASSAGE THIS POINT WHEN PREGNANT)
Massage temples outside of eyebrows. Essential oils can be used – lavender, peppermint
Reflexology will not help a tension headache.
Use a cervical pillow to help prevent headaches.
A 45-minute massage of the head, scalp, and neck will bring relief. Brushing the hair up to 100 strokes both back and with head down brushing up will also bring some relief.
* Information excerpted from Calgary College of Holistic Health Swedish Massage Course
Migraine Headaches
Dec 9th
Migraine headaches are caused by having too much blood in the head. 15% of all headaches are Migraine. To determine if a headache is a migraine, test the forehead. The forehead will be warm like a fever. Use ice pack on base of neck, cold pack on forehead. Migraines can be helped with Reflexology, Aromatherapy and Hydrotherapy.
Migraines can be treated with Hydrotherapy.
Method: Fill one container with hot water (36-38 degrees)
Fill second container with cold water (5-14 degrees)
These containers should be deep enough to reach to the knee of the client if possible. First dip the feet in hot water for 5 minutes, then immerse in cold water for 10 – 15 seconds, back in hot water for 5 minutes, back to cold for 10-15 seconds. Don’t touch the legs or feet. Let them dry by themselves. Do a stomping motion to dry. This treatment brings blood from the brain down to the lower extremities. This will relieve the headache.
This method can also be applied using the hands instead of the feet.
Essential oils to be used for Migraine headache include: rosemary, rose oil, and lavender. One or more of these oils can be used in the water or inhaled.
Calcium with Magnesium and Zinc, taken at night will also help migraines. Helps reduce tension, and helps with sleep. Duration and frequency of headaches will be less.
The point between the baby finger and 2nd finger between the bones, close to the wrist, can be massaged. The point directly under the 2nd toe can also be worked for 10 minutes to relieve the pain.
Vitamin B2 is used for migraine headache.
Use a cervical pillow to help prevent headaches.
Some causes of Migraines: Red Wine, Chocolate, High Blood Pressure, Chinooks, Cheese, MSG
Try to find the cause. Track foods for a week.
Use chamomile vapor bath. Put towel over the head, breathe in steam from water mixed with chamomile oil.
* Information excerpted from Calgary College of Holistic Health Swedish Massage Course

Welcome to Celestial Wellness
Dec 5th
What People Are Saying:
“In 1995, I was diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease. I have been receiving Reflexology treatments from Barb since March 2001. Through the course of the treatments I have been in remission and my immune system has improved immensely.”
– Christina Knopp
“I’m one of those ‘high-energy’ people who can function on just a few hours sleep. Keeping this in mind – the greatest compliment I can give is that I almost fell asleep during a reflexology treatment. Now that’s relaxing!!! Whether you’re seeking her treatments for medical reasons or strictly for a little pampering, I would highly recommend Barb.”
– Robin L. Fremont
Some conditions that respond well to the modalities Barb practices:
Arthritis, Bronchitis, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Crohn’s Disease, Constipation, Chronic Back & Neck Pain, Diarrhea, Diabetes, Digestive Disorders, Edema, Fatigue, Headaches, Indigestion, Insomnia, Low Energy, Menopausal Complaints, Muscular Stiffness, Prostate Problems, Sciatica, Sinus Congestion, Skin Disorders, Stress…and much more!
Training since 1999 includes:
- -Calgary College of Holistic Health and Clinics Inc
- Registered Massage Therapist
- European Seated Massage Therapist
- -Member,Alberta Association of Therapeutic Masseurs
- -First Aid/CPR
- -Energy Balancing Course
- -Wild Rose College
- -Certified Reflexologist
- -Level II Reiki
*Insurance receipts available upon request*